
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seams, Seams, What about Seams

Some questions have been asked about bulky seams in my String Quilt. I didn't really have a problem with the seams.
Keeping in mind this was my first string quilt project. This is what I did.

I used old dryer sheets as the foundation.

Steam pressed the seams really well after the top was finished. If you use a thicker foundation the seams would be thicker.

One reason the quilt isn't any larger is because I ran out of used dryer sheets..I guess I need to do more laundry.


  1. That cracks me up that you need to do more laundry. How about you just buy a box of fabric sheets and wash all of them and then you'll have a huge supply for your string quilts and won't have to do laundry. No laundry = more time to sew.

  2. Aaahhha! so that's the secret! I think my friend used a calico foundation and also, I think it was one of those old calicos (probably the type used to wrap xmas pudding in!) so that would account for the thickness. Dryer sheets! how inventive! and I actually have some:-)

    Happy Sewing!


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